Clear Skin Vitamins Pack- Any Side Effects? UPDATED 2023

clear skin vitamin pack

Does the Clear Skin Vitamins Pack actually help acne and give you a clear skin complexion or are the reviews untrustworthy?

The Innate clear skin vitamin pac is promoted to clear skin and prevent breakouts by using vitamins and minerals that are necessary for optimal skin health. If you are having a blitz of acne will this product be beneficial for you?

Update 2022

This product is now called Clear Skin Acne Vitamins. It is no longer a pack and now comes in a bottle. They removed the fish-oil like gel capsules and now only the orange vegetable capsules are sold.

We thought the old product was pretty good, but the new version unfortunately has decreased the effectiveness of the overall product and don’t believe it’s worth your time.

How Does It Work?

We purchased the 30 day supply of this product and the dosing is one pack daily. There is also a 60 day supply of the clear skin pills available.

One pack is four pills; two are small oval gel caps and the other two are larger capsules.

I was a bit confused at first as you can tear the pack down the middle so I was not sure if you were to take 2 capsules per day or four capsules per day.

clear skin vitamins

The Clear Skin Vitamin Pack.

Before we started taking the product we researched the ingredients, side effects, and other customer reviews to see how effective this product truly is.

Clear Skin Vitamin Pack Reviews

We have read the testimonials on Amazon and some people either like the clear skin vitamins or they don't and have moved onto another product. We don't think it works for everyone as shown in the critique below.

I didn't work at all. I have hormonal acne cysts and small lumps. Moderate acne. Sad... wish it worked for me


What Are the Ingredients?

  • Vitamin A
    Vitamin A and can be found in many over the counter clear skin vitamins as it is known as retinol. By eating veggies you'll also consume beta-carotene which is another form of vitamin A.

  • Vitamin C
    Vitamin C includes antioxidant properties that will help prevent the breakdown of healthy skin tissues and improves skin elasticity.

  • Vitamin D3
    The suggested form of Vitamin D to supplement is Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). It's the natural kind of Vitamin D your body makes out of sun. Individuals who don't get enough sun could be deficient in this vitamin which results in depression, dull skin, and other negative side effects.

  • Vitamin E
    Vitamin E contains antioxidant properties that can decrease inflammation. This vitamin is found in several topical products such as serums for healthier skin as it helps smoothen out fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Vitamin K
    Vitamin K is also known as Potassium and is found in natural vegetable sources like kale and spinach. It is vital in helping the body's blood flow which aids in healing wounds and bruises. It may also help particular skin ailments like spider veins, scars, and dark spots.

  • Vitamin B2
    Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) helps convert food to energy. It doesn't have much effect on pimples directly, but when B Vitamins are taken together they form a synergy which makes them more effective.

  • Vitamin B6
    This vitamin is water soluble and can help decrease sebum production brought on by hormonal changes within the human body. It reduces the effects of testosterone which is the primary androgen that's accountable for breakouts.

    50-100 milligrams of B6 have been shown to decrease acne, but high levels might actually raise pimples in some individuals particularly in females as noted within this research. 
  • Folic Acid
    Folic acid is another B vitamin that's found in green leafy veggies. Acne may become a problem in certain if you are deficient in Folic acid. By increasing the intake of this vitamin we may see that our skin becomes clearer.

  • Pantothenic Acid
    Pantothenic Acid is also called vitamin B5. In high doses it has been shown to slow oil production in the skin.

  • B12
    A 2004 study concluded that Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in many parts of the world. This vitamin is important because it helps increase mood and energy as well as benefits the hair, skin, eyes, and nails.

  • Iodine
    Iodine can help keep the skin moisturized and elastic while reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Magnesium
    Magnesium may help acne by enhancing our sleep and decreases cortisol. High cortisol levels are a contributing aspect to inflammation and makes pimples worse.

    Magnesium also produces an antioxidant known as glutathione and research shows that individuals who have less of this antioxidant in their body have more breakouts.

  • Zinc
    Zinc is widely utilized in several natural cold treatments because of it's ability to raise the immune system. Additionally, it has other properties that might assist in skin wellness.

    Zinc for acne is used when there is a deficiency in the body that may also cause unwanted effects like persistent fatigue, inability to focus, flaky skin, and weight reduction.

  • Selenium
    Selenium is an antioxidant that prevents cells from oxidation and damage. It is most effective when taken along with other vitamins for acne prone skin. Breakouts can be aided by selenium as it might help decrease inflammation.

  • Chromium
    Chromium helps enhance the immune system which is how we can stop breakouts. A healthy immune system ensures that our body is able to effectively fight off parasites, bacteria, and germs which can possibly damage our skin.

Proprietary Blend

  • Evening Primrose Oil
    EPO helps provide hormonal equilibrium which is effective for hormonal acne including cystic acne. It is also used for rosacea, eczema, and oily skin.

  • Organic Turmeric
    Turmeric has been used for reducing overall inflammation throughout the body whether it is for skin, joint pain, or muscle pain.

  • Vitex (Chaste Tree)
    Chaste Tree is used to help balance hormones in women. Though it helps female hormonal problems it may also help balance hormones in men as well.

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
    ALA has antioxidant properties as it helps boosts the effectiveness of other antioxidants and vitamins for acne prone skin when taken orally.

    We are not sure of the actual dose of this ingredient because it is part of a proprietary blend. It is known to lower blood sugar which is why it is important to know how much is in it as you may want to time it out with a higher carbohydrate meal.

    Side effects of not consuming carbs with ALA include sluggishness, dizziness, and blurred vision.

Other Ingredients

On the box of this product the company writes "Dairy Free and Soy Free", but when you look at the other ingredients it says "soy bean oil". This is misleading as it is not truly soy free.

clear skin vitamin pack ingredients

Taken from Clear Skin Vitamin Pack Amazon listing.

Can You Get Side Effects?

There are always possible side effects associated with supplements depending on your health history and current medications you are taking.

There are known interactions between some of these ingredients and prescriptions so we recommend that you speak with your doctor before taking any type of supplement.

The most common side effects that we have read are:

  1. Increased acne
  2. Rash
  3. Itchiness
  4. Redness
  5. Nausea
  6. No reduction of the size or consistency of pimples

Where to Buy

The clear skin vitamins are available on Amazon and the company website. A one time purchase and subscription is available.

Which Vitamins Help with Clear Skin?

From our research the best vitamins for clear skin can be found in the Acne Tame supplement stack. These tablets contain Vitamins A, B5, and B3 among minerals and an amino acid which is essential for repairing the skin. 

Amino acids are important nutrients required for (a) wound healing promotion and repair of the damaged skin; (b) acid-base balance and water retention in cellular layers, such as stratum corneum; (c) protection against sunlight damage; (d) maintenance of an appropriate skin microbiome. See study.

CONCLUSION: Do the Clear Skin Vitamins Work?

The Clear Skin Vitamin Pack for acne prone skin and pimples may be a product you want to try. It contains natural ingredients that are beneficial to our overall health and work sort of like a multivitamin.

Because there are many ingredients added to the product we are not sure how effective it is for specifically treating acne. You may want to use a topical product in conjunction with taking these pills.

The product may not be the best vitamins for hormonal acne, but we recommend that you give it a shot if you have tried other options for your skin with no luck. Our favorite supplement for skin clarification can be read about by clicking here.